Wednesday, April 13, 2005

no prison for me

exhausted yesterday.

it was a fulfillling day.
so so tired though...least sleep in the year so far.
not fun!!!

the thing that made my day...i got a kiss...

the job interview wasn't that great.
the principal, mr ro&!^ n# didn't have manners
he was late for 20 min to see me,
and the interview room (board room), another word for ugly? can't think of it was ugly.
the halfway through the phone rings in the room and he needs to pick it up.
he bored me to death with the projects his firm has worked on...none of them being real interesting...from schools, to prisons, to cemetary buildings...haha...i'd call them chapels, but nahh...
then he asks me about the pay, and i asked him back,
he said a really low range, and i was shocked.
to do such boring work for such low pay...haha...i wanted to say...good luck in finding someone to do it.
he asked if the pay was okay?
i said not really, i was paid more at my last summer job.
and he said he'll make a note of it.
with red pen on my portfolio which i didn't intend on giving it to him, but he wanted to keep it...
i said i wanted it back.
he said sorry i wrote on it...
what a guy...
i wouldn't want him to be my boss.
nor give him any projects to do...haha...that's bad...okay...he can keep desiging prisons...after all...they don't need such nice buildings anyway...
okay..enough of that...back to thesis!