Monday, March 21, 2005

what a day

if this isn't the most strenuous monday ever...
completely mentally, emotionally, and physically drained right now

extremely nervous, to extremely confident
extremely happy, to extremely sad
it hasn't been too fun

at many points in the day i just needed to scream and belt out profanity.
glad that didn't happen.

extremely mixed emotions today...went through an entire roller coaster in one day

what a day it has been.

right now i'm feeling unsure of myself.

here's my own episode of 24
sequence of events

8:20 - wake up
8: 25 - i knew i'd be late for class for 9:20
8:55 - on the subway
9:15 - began to question if i saved my files to be printed for the presentation
9:30 - discovered that the files were not saved on computer key
9:40 - frantic call home for any chance of getting the files
9:45 - 10:15 - teaching my dad through the phone how to use the computer and even more difficult, to send an attachment on an email
10:20 - got the files
10:25 - printed the files
10:40 - found out my friend got accepted to another master program, not really knowing how to react
10:50 - presented design scheme confidently
11:00 -12:00 - discussing thesis found out deadline is actually on the 13th, reflecting on the four years with a friend
12:10 - design schemes selected, mine was one, felt happy, yet not. because there's more work lead a team.
12:15 - surprise!
12:20 - didn't like the surprise at all. felt queasy and bothered.
12:35 - talked to professor about surprise, everything got sort out.
12:50 - still uneasy
1:00 - lunch with i think i can say some of my best friends in university, but definitely not all of them, at my favourite restaurant
2:00 - doing some crap for RA, feeling pointless
2:30 - 3:00 - just lost and so very tired, listened to music, head down on table
3:05 - 4:00 - picked myself up and tried to work on thesis
4:10 - thought professor wouldn't show up to meet me
4:15 - professor shows up
4:20 - 5:20 - plesant conversation with my thesis prof, she's full of praise that i cannot accept, but completely happy, always a joy to talk with her...she makes mondays more bearable
5:30 - 7:20 - RA time...always sucks as usual, give me more work to do, extremely picky, getting fed up, but still gotta do it kind of feeling
7:30 - onto subway, continuing to read such a good book, gets into the topic of the fear of getting old, and money...hit with such important life lessons
8:00 - so tired, so tired, drive home
8:40 - nobody home, eat whatever in the fridge
9:15 - wanting to turn on computer, but watched some tv
9:30 - computer finally on and found out two of my friends got rejected from a masters program i applied to
9: 35 - complete mix of emotions again
10:00 - ai...just trying to write my mind.


what a day, i still gotta work long hours tonite.