selected excerpt from eurojournal.
the higher the path, the harder the climb, but each step taken one day at a time...still a few more steps until reaching the top. the view...amazing. the sun is out, not too cold, not too hot. the air, fresh. walking stick in hand. snow capped mountains. there is peace. there is more to life. so relaxing though so tired.
we eventually didn't make it all the way to the peak of the mountain. but i'd say we were at three quarters the way. the hike back down was easier, but with no food in the stomach at 2pm my knees were shaking. the leaves on the ground made it easy to slpp, and occasionally there would be a tree that blocked the way. we finally made it back down, took the wrong train, and eventually getting back to east interlaken. we bought food and cooked it in the hostel. they charged for everything! using their stove cost 1 swiss frank for 20 min of stove heat!
i'm trying to return, or not to return to my everyday life as per before the trip.
today has been great.
it started with waking up to go to church. seems such a distant memory.
the people, as always, warm to the touch.
i returned home to go out for dim sum, then remembering why i don't like driving.overcrowded parking lots. should do more walking instead.
but then again, i enjoyed drving so much today, besides the parking factor. it felt so good, to be alone in the car, with the music turned up. privacy, alone time is what i lost for 35 days, and in the car i found out how necessary it is.
the time spent at home is good, doing everyday things, no work, no school. this is the life?
later in the night was an impromtu barbeque at our house. rummaged the fridge for whatever food that could be cooked on the grill. and we came up with quite the menu. had plenty of fun, and ate well.
it was good.
what am i doing with my time? the right things? am i spending it well? does it really matter?
i don't think it did today.