i'm finally home.
it's too good to be home.
living in hostels and cheap hotels have made me so happy and feel so fortunate to come back to home.
i kept laughing when i took a shower...it was just too good...haha...i haven't had such a good shower in a long time...
i can litterally see black circles under my eyes...
haha...man...i got a lot to write about.
man...i love the room i'm in. i love my house. my garden. my family.
i'm a different person now that i'm back,
many folds,
some visible, many not.
(at least now i'm wearing clean clothes...haha)
i know more who i want to be.
i know more who i should be.
for me? for everybody.
'if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.' matthew 16:24.
deny myself, take up the cross.
simple answer.
i've learned that i take too much for granted.
i've begun to understand that things around me are placed there or seen for a reason. the people that come and go are there because they were meant to be there.
it's been an life changing month. a once in a lifetime experience, a tiring vacation, and an eye opening adventure.
i now need a real vacation.