Tuesday, December 13, 2005

bullet train

at work

good and bad today

the funny thing is
our PM started getting frustrated at me and my coworker

we're working!
she thinks we won't finish on time
and thinks that we both slack off

'are you both working on that?'

now that i know i'm leaving the office soon i'm not afraid of her...haha

'yea, we're both working on it.'
you got a problem with that attitude

she thinks she's so smart and so fast
she has her strong points
i can see right through her

i can see her wasting her time always...
just talking and talking

but as always
focus on getting your own work done

the two dufflet cakes at the end of work todaymade up for the
rush, draw, redraw, instruct, answer questions, ask questions
and coworkers

a lot of it is about asking the right questions
and doing it right the first time

i have leaving on my mind
i have you on my mind

like a bullet train
these two weeks race across my mind

and sadly i have to think
could i have done better?