Saturday, January 13, 2007

a walk in the park

physically and emotionally tired...

i don't know...

have you ever been a terrible person?
yet didn't realize it.
today i was one.

a kick in the head
returned a slap in the face

the foot had no intention
the hand slaped to hurt

the sting is there for both
it pains for the unknown

i have you lord
to accompany me in my misery
when i feel like dirt
lord you remind me
of all the good things
to be thankful for

be the best person you can be
do what you can

yet i'm a helpless idiot
verbally damaged...

pick up the pieces
walk back into the light

everyday new experiences
surprises caused by myself


i haven't laughed in a while
right now...
i can't even fake a smile...

it get's so dark that i can't see
every dark cloud
has a silver lining
i'm waiting for the sun to shine
i'll wait until the day i die

i'm tired of living in the shadows
but i'm not giving up on me
i can't worry about tomorrow
or what each new day is going to bring


working 7 days a week eh...
for the time being...
i dug the hole
i've got to crawl back out.
alive that is...


some days...
all your accomplishments mean nothing


i sat upon the roof
and stared the stars down
for a reason why
or something i can do
everything that mattered yesterday
so far now...

sleep gets just a little easier...