bring back
good memories
dad telling me when
they're ready to be flipped
only when you see the bubbles
start to form
after planting the tree
he prayed to the lord
'lord, my tree needs rain
so its tender roots may drink and grow
send gentle shower'
and the lord sent showers
'lord, my tree needs sun
please send it sun'
and the sun shone
sending the dripping clouds away
'now send frost dear lord
to strengthen its branches'
he cried
and soon the tree
was covered in sparkling frost
but by evening it had died
he sought out a friend
and told what happened
the friend said
'i have also planted a little tree
see how it is thriving
i entrust my tree to the lord
he who made it knows
better than a man like me
what it needs
i only prayed
lord sent what it needs
whether it be
a storm, sunshine, wind, rain, or frost
you made it, you know best what it needs'