my dad
can't understand him
it's like i have a teenage son
that throws tantrums
and i don't know how to deal with it
sadly real life
doesn't stop with sitcom endings
this is real life
and in real life there
are situations that take time
it's not always a lesson learned
and a happy ending at the end
of 30 minutes
as is this case
coming back to halifax
everything seemed fine at home
until i received a distress call from my brother
the sky seems to always be falling
for him
my dad becoming edgy
and he's not like that
usually very easy going
and joking around
something is up
doesn't let anybody know
as the story goes
every family has their problems
i hope they can take care of themselves
you have the same traits as your parents
the way you work
the way you talk
the way you treat others
the way you cook
the way you eat
the way you move
the way you think
reflects also who your parents are
though i would like to say
that i only take the good
and not the bad
it's not true
but what is bad
i know not to do
too tired to talk
too busy to take any time
i'm just plain against it
now i hope my dad
can come to his senses
i know he's under tremendous pressure
of sorts
i hope he can deal with it