Sunday, November 20, 2005

take a step back

i feel i've found my church
i've found my fellowship
and i've found sunday school

i think it's the way it should be
i don't know if it the way God meant it to be

sunday school ends with me learning
and remembering what he said

what a great teacher
a great teacher is someone who has people listening acutely
and leaves an impression on the mind
and enables the student to apply what is learned

that is my idea of a great teacher

i learned more from sunday school than from the sermon
about who i am and who i want to be

i ache to be a leader
i want to know what i'm doing
i want a grand vision
i want to achieve it as well
i get lost at work
i know i'm learning
it's hard for me to be in a low position
yet i know i can't start from the top

i'm still in awe at the way he has affected me
praise the Lord.



i'm still thinking about what
my buddy and i discussed on our road trip.

you know what.


whatever will be will be.
take a step back
and look at the big picture

come on...
didn't architecture teach me anything?