today was a once in a month experience...
sleeping i think 9 hours...very exciting!
finally a day without a headache knowing that i haven't slept enough...
i'm really not the person who can handle only 7 hours of sleep everyday...i wouldn't recommend it to anybody...
most have been wondering why my first week of class could be so busy...only those in rye arch know why my first week back to school could be so overwhelming
i'm RA for one of my profs, i'm really fortunate to have this job...but the thing is it's a lot of work...and i'm pouring myself out trying to finish the tasks he assigns is more than i would have expected...doing that while trying to figure out my thesis topic...clarifying it...architecture...very complex...very very complex...defining a thesis...very complex...defining my thesis...very very complex...
then comes the church 15th anniversary design...leading it...i feel very happy to be selected to do a innovative and today i learned avant garde means i was selected to do an avant garde design...i went through a meetings...and currently going through design execution...its extremely satisfying...i hope i can be continuously reminded that it's all for God's glory and not mine...
yesterday went from 7:00am to 10:30am from school to church...i had no energy left...
it's all going well...
thesis...good prof
RA...good comments
church design...successful
i just need to rest...although i feel that if i don't put in the work...the outcomes will surely become (in very blunt terms) crappy...haha...