Friday, September 24, 2004


if only today were like every other day...

naa...that would be boring.

yesterday as i watched my first 'complete' episode of joey one of the messages really hit me...there i go again analyzing things for more...but didn't take much analysis to understand what it was trying to communicate. it far surpasses the modern day thinking back to the day of cain and able. trying to better another. and in cain and able's case, if you're not better, just kill the competition. however, that doesn't work, it didn't work then and it isn't going to work now. in these frustrating days of high levels of competition, one is bound to try their best at bettering on another. especially in a school setting as it was demonstrated in joey. we may go to different depths, sink to new lows to be better. in yesterday's episode, the conclusion was quite unexpected i think. they tried so hard at bettering one another and in the end, they found out that they both felt the same way. the other was always better in some way that they needed to catch up. we are all better at some things than another person no matter how we compare. this is the way it seems at school. to better or to be bettered. is that the way? there will always be somebody better. it's time to take a break from all that bettering. just do your best, God will take care of the rest.