though the sleep was little
i'm well rested
and i think i can continue to conquer the world
the converstations ran late into the night
and after pouring out my mind
i slept
waking up to a call for breakfast
and only in halifax has this ever happened
sitting in the restaurant
i see friends
so i go to say hi
at the same time
another friend approches from one side of the sidewalk
and then
10 seconds later
another friend approches from the other side of the sidewalk
haha...that's what makes this city great
i caught myself
smiling and laughing in the middle of nothing
at some thoughts that passed
thanks to friends
who have helped me so easily
overcome and see the other side of the story
i know i can
and so i will.
press on.
i see trees of green
red roses too
i see em bloom
for me and for you
and i think to myself
what a wonderful world.
i see skies of blue
clouds of white
bright blessed days
dark sacred nights
and i think to myself
what a wonderful world.