Saturday, May 27, 2006

go further

if this architecture school
wants me to play their game
i will
i will play to my wits end

the authentic tourist experience
the question is
is it authentic when most if not all of it is forced
does it become a false authenticity

that is the question i raise to you readers

funny how life
gets sucked out in 20 minutes

my own words like
jabs in my own face

yet i kept writing
knocked half unconcious
left to disintegrate

knowing i'll be slapped
yet standing still
willfully going to slaughter

any logical person
would not have been doing
as i have

any logical person
would have long ago

given up

the causes of illogicality

time and again
wish i could
everytime i think about it
i no longer remember what i'm doing
lost in a dream
unable to wake

walk on
perhaps next time
it will turn out different
let the dream live on.

am i at my depths?
i ask.
i think not.