Sunday, January 29, 2006


This discussion further elaborated when one member mentioned Gutenburg and how the printing press made the book, rather than architecture, the primary element in communicating ideas. Books took away the final prestige of the architect from the whole process in that the building loses its ability to put meaning into buildings. Anyone can be the builder, and this was indicative of the democratization of industrial process. The production of construction drawings for engineering reasons allowed for the drawings to become widely replicated and dispersed which occurs post-Gutenburg. As another group member added however, methods of representation became more standardized. In this “ironic double edged sword,” democracy was taken away because training and knowledge dissemination would be required to decode this new form of drawing. In short, standardization, similar to the notion of jargon, required one to be specialized in process, without having to understand the entire conception, or process, that this specialization resulted in. In this sense, this has gross implications on ideas of accountability and responsibility within the production process.

whoa whoa whoa...
who brought in the shovel
and piled on the bs?

a combined effort i must say

happy chinese new year.

dog year

woof woof.