sleeping to 11:00 is becoming a habit.
i set my clock at 10:00 but sleep an extra hour.
i think it's almost time i set a third alarm clock and put it far far away...
as i read 'ordering your private word' it began to relate to me very much
symptoms of disorganization:
condition of car dirty on inside and outside - i cleaned inside not too long's winter
become aware of a diminution in my self-esteem - yup
series of forgotten appointments, telephone messages to which i have failed to respond - no
i tend to invest my energies in unproductive tasks - definitely, writing this has got to be one..haha
feel poor about their work - occasionally
disorganized christians rarely enjoy intimacy with God - guilty as charged
quality of personal relationships - could be much better
although i don't really think these are all the traits of being disorganized, there are many more.
i know i am disorganized when my desk becomes a warzone, and post-it notes are everywhere
rite now it's quite chaotic...but i just took an hour yestday cleaning it