yesterday's shock recorded today
shock 1
after reading the syllabus for the COP course, seeing that two things were due the next day worth 40% of the course. Our group has not discussed or even met for the project. we don’t seem to worry, or at least I don’t seem to worry about my electives. after arriving to school i found out that nothing was due the next day. prof was generous to give an extension.
shock 2
right after finding out about the extension – I received an e-mail my mentor and previous co-worker. she told me she resigned. utterly shocked. she wrote that she was sad to leave, but happy that she had another job. I think she probably found a new and maybe even better job so she decided to leave and even mentioned that she intends to start her own office. So I now must work things out with her as soon as possible. she asked if i would be interested in working together.
shock 3
my RA hours are up. I had a maximum of 74 hours I could work for prof. I told prof that I’ve used all the hours for which I can get paid. prof said bleep, face and eyes turned red. well prof is having a stressful week and told me that he is trying to get me a new position. no more RA….it will be TA+AA. The pay would double. prof said that if i can’t get that position, he will pay me out of his pocket. more hours of work….@_@
all in all the day has been rough.
I don’t know whether to categorize these things as good or bad.
there’s fallback, there’s opportunity.
I'm looking in the mirror thinking, 'what are you doing?'