Saturday, August 20, 2005

waiting for a dream

opened wounds?

many things on my mind
to troubled to express
to lost to think
to confused to convey

i gave myself 10 days
any better?
i trick myself to believe that it is


happy birthday?

i don't know if i'll be happy for this one

i'm at that age...

no material possession can make me happier

with age comes more knowledge

i don't want to know anymore

last week
i remember
i walked outside in the morning
i plugged in my mp3 player
and listened to the first three notes

and sank into the deepest pit
i've never felt that way before

it became worse on the subway
so many people
yet i couldn't hold it
they began to look
but i couldn't stop

i took out my pencil
and started writing

the music made it continue

i know what you're going through
i won't be the one that lets go of you

when you come back down
if you land on your feet
i hope you find a way to make it back to me

i don't know if i'll make it to my feet
without a hand

everything stays in my mind
feeling in a daze on the ground
feels like it's gonna give
life's too hard to live anymore
think i've had enough things too tough
i'm out the door

falling down what you gonna do?
standing on the top of the world tonite
no one's looking back at you
stand tall
it's going to be just fine
i'm holding on today

i would fall asleep
only in hopes of dreaming

i would spend my nights sleeping
instead of daydreaming

only if i knew
i would have a sweet dream tonite

sweet dreams.