days gone by in japan
days gone by in hong kong
a summary of days gone by
it's sad to think
that i don't have time for this sort of thing anymore.
because reading a couple posts back
a couple months and years ago makes me think back
and reignites thoughts
this past week i felt so restless
i became impatient with people i shouldn't have.
i think back to things i said and how i reacted
and sometimes i want to take them back.
for now i'll blame it on the change in weather
and the days getting shorter.
things have changed...
now that i semi live on my own
the family dynamics have changed.
i feel i'm unable to spend enough time with my parents
i enjoy the freedom
and definitely the reduced commute time to less than half
it was before
i sleep more
and i get more done.
my job has been great
coworkers good
bosses good
the creative atmosphere in the office is great
music is played loud for the whole office to hear
and we're all relatively young and very fun
a completely open office
and i got the corner seat with two windows
what more could i ask for
i'm glad i sit beside someone who enjoys talking
and isn't so restrained
because it surely makes the work days go by much faster
sadly our building got bought out and our boss
had to buy another building which is much smaller
and farther away from the city centre.
all the talk right now is about the economy...
even architects are talking economy.
it's so strange.
we'll be in the food court during lunch
with a couple of my coworkers discussing the stock markets
completely clueless of what is going on...
i'm not sure if this is good or bad news
the mansion is lost.
the architect has decided to quit.
i'm in an awkward position.
i felt the first loss of a real project.
so much work put in never to see it ever being realized
in real life...
it'll only live on paper.
the architect says she's used to it
that it happens all the time.
paper architecture sucks.
i want to see it built.
i want to learn from it.
new job
new place to live
why don't i feel satisfied?
why do i feel miserable and defeated every now and then?
i have the answers
but it's not in my ability to resolve them...
keep praying...