Sunday, May 18, 2008

time slips

another month after the last post already
as time slips away.
i think about writing and then forget what it was.

from what i remember in a month...

back at the folks has it's ups and downs.

not having a full time job has been interesting
because i'm on my own schedule
and in some respects i need to have enough discipline
to get the job done.

the home office is nice...
the hours couldn't be better.

i wake up around 10 and procrastinate probably
till checking email eating breakfast...
and then get into it...and by the time it's 12...
lunch soon follows...

then i pay for it at night when i'm still working
until midnight which is a schedule i'm used to.

even with school and the demanding job...
life has been filled with daily task where the hours vanish
it definitely beats having too much time sitting idle.

i can see myself as a person who takes work home.
workaholic condition developing...haha
maybe not developing...probably inborn.

the convocation cermony happens in three days.
and i feel slightly odd...
is it an accomplishment worth celebrating?
i feel this school is mixed too much with politics
and not enough energy is spent into it's students and
growth in the program.

sometimes it's about who you know and how well you know them.
is this what school is supposed to teach us before we
enter the realm of work?

it also teaches us that in many ways
that you will not always be treated fairly as many
factors other than purely academic.
the system is flawed.
the system is reality.

well then...haha...
after some terrible comments about the school.
let's see

it's the most important week for my roomate
who has his graduation, birthday, and wedding all in one week
don't know how he is so calm and relaxed about it.
i admire his composure and his ability not to plan?