Friday, September 28, 2007

but i can

it's been a while eh...

i've thought about writing
but i haven't got do actually doing it...

because once i reach this page
i know i will think many things
what to write
what not to write

as an update
it's been an alright start of the school term
for some reason this term i feel
i just need to get through it
put in as much effort i can
and get by
maybe i've lost my motivation somewhat
maybe it's because something is going on
with my health that has yet to be figured out

lacking direction in many ways
and the post-it notes flooding
slightly stressed
slightly worried

i feel that my thesis can be much stronger
that it can have a stronger basis
a greater theoretical undertone

what am i working for...
what are you working for...

in times like this
it's a bit hard to pick it up
but i can

it's only the beginning
must go on