Saturday, February 17, 2007

so long

happy chinese new year

it's been 4 weeks
of a church deprived life

work filled


as things come to a slow down
it feels like a racing car breaking
in full stop at the sight of the red light
being thrown from the seat
and into the street

now it's time to let go
of the breaks again

as it seems like this past month
has whipped past
coming to this complete stop
seems so foreign

actually everything seems foreign
i'm not used to it

as things seemed better back then
and with the roads cold and icy
slippery conditions lie ahead

i'd like to laugh a little more
think a little less
more lighthearted needed
less analysis


slouched down listening to new songs
i've listened to too much of the same music
over and over and over when i was working...

i went through all those europe pictures...

i haven't had this time in so long...